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In our part of the world, November is notorious for being the most depressing month of the year. Like a boat losing sight of the shore, we must wave goodbye to our warm and colourful Indian summer and bravely face the cold, dark seas of winter ahead. 

Chakra-spinning insights and winning strategies from inspiring yogis who've managed to create a thriving, crushworthy career.

Crushing Self-Doubt By Defining Your Why

"Anxiety and I go way back. The horrible, crippling feeling has followed me around like a shadow throughout my life. On the nature side, anxiety runs in my family and on the nurture side, I’ve had my share of difficult experiences."


"Our thoughts are addictive. Did you know that we have around one hundred thousand of them a day and that eighty to ninety percent of those thoughts are the same ones being repeated over and over again? These thoughts create a groove in our brain and our body and emotions are hardwired to respond to them. The emotional and physical responses then feed back into our thoughts, reinforcing the pattern, deepening the groove."

"When we show up for yoga, we’re showing up for practice. What are we practicing for? The heartwrenchingly painful, delightful, messy and glorious game we call “Life"

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Interviews featuring Melanie

Concordia University Magazine

Yoga is a doorway to a deeper and more meaningful connection with myself, the people around me and life.”


BOHOs Yin Yoga interview

"Le Yoga Yin se sert de la gravité, du temps et du souffle pour ouvrir le corps de façon douce et graduelle. Il n’y a pas vraiment d’effort à mettre… C’est une des raisons pourquoi le Yoga Yin est si efficace… car si l’on force un étirement, on risque de stresser le muscle, de le tendre, et ultimement de se blesser. On ne viendra pas étirer correctement."

"Melanie was so drawn to yoga that she left behind work on sets to pursue her new-found passion full time. With no business experience and plenty of entrepreneurial spirit, she set her sights on opening her own studio."

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Yoga Myth Busters

Myth #1: I Can't Do Yoga Because I'm Not Flexible

Intention setting: Melanie Richards at TEDxMontrealWomen

HappyTree Hatha Yoga Teacher Training

Melanie's yoga class at HappyTree

We LOVE Montreal

LivingSocial Presents: HappyTree Yoga

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